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The Travels of

Jacqui and Lars

Uganda - 2001



Arrive:  2 February, 2001

Depart:  17 February, 2001



Major Locations Visited:


-  Kampala

-  Lake Bunyonyi

-  Kabale

-  Kisoro

-  Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

-  Congo border

-  Rwanda border

-  Mpanga Forest

-  Murchison Falls National Park

-  Busingiro - Budongo Forest

-  Jinja

-  Bujagali Falls, Nile River

-  White water rafting the source of the Nile


For journal entries related to our trip to Uganda in 2001,

 please refer to the following links:

Date(s) Location
2 February, 2001 Kisumu, Kenya, Kenya-Uganda border and Kampala
3 February, 2001 Kampala and Lake Bunyonyi
4 February, 2001 Lake Bunyonyi, Kabale and Kisoro
5 February, 2001 Kisoro
6 February, 2001 Kisoro and tracking the mountain gorillas in Mgahinga National Park
7 February, 2001 Kisoro
8 February, 2001 Kisoro and Congo and Rwanda borders
9 February, 2001 Kisoro, Kabale and Lake Bunyonyi
10 February, 2001 Lake Bunyonyi, Kabale and Mpanga Forest
11 February, 2001 Mpanga Forest, Kampala and Murchison Falls
12 February, 2001 Murchison Falls and Budongo Forest
13 February, 2001 Budongo Forest and Kampala
14 February, 2001 Kampala and rafting the source of the Nile
15 February, 2001 Bujagali Falls and community project at Bodondo Primary School
16 February, 2001 Bujagali Falls
17 February, 2001 Bujagali Falls, Jinja, Uganda-Kenya border and Kakamega Forest Reserve, Kenya
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