Today we are up early as we have
a long drive ahead of us. This morning it is also raining, but the
rain fall is lighter so we do not have too many difficulties taking down out
tent. Today it is our turn to prepare the meals, so we get the
breakfast ready. Luckily there are a few small shelters, so we are
able to put all the breakfast things under cover. After packing up the
campsite, we are off before 7 AM and head towards Kampala.
We arrive in Kampala before 8 AM
and we need to go shopping for food. We head off with Sammy in a taxi
and go to the supermarket. The problem is that today is Sunday and
while the supermarket should be open, it is closed. We then decide to
head off to the fresh food market (but not before we had bought the taxi
driver some gas - apparently they keep the gas tanks very empty so in case
it is stolen, the car and thief will not get too far).
The fresh food market is just
opening and we are only able to buy stuff from one or two stalls. But
after a bit of searching, we are able to find what we need. We carry
the stuff back to the taxi - but he is gone. We had not yet paid him,
so it did not matter and we jumped into another one. This one had
troubles starting his car and he cruised down a few downhill streets
(crossing traffic and such) until he got to a gas station. He put a
couple liters in and then tried to start his car - it would not
So we got out and found another
taxi. After transferring our stuff from one to the other, we headed to
the supermarket. It was still closed, so we headed to another.
It was closed, so we headed for a third. It was also closed. So
we headed back to the truck, but decided to drive by the first supermarket
we had tried - and it was open. We rushed in and did our shopping,
getting back to the truck a bit late - but with food for the next few days.
We left Kampala shortly before 10
AM and headed north. Along the way we stopped for lunch on the road
side. In mid-afternoon we stopped in Masindi to pick up some beer and
soft drinks for the truck bar. At 3:30 PM we arrived at the entrance
to Murchison Falls National Park. After paying our fees, we headed up
to the falls, where we will be spending the night.
We got to the campsite at the
falls around 5:30 PM. We straight away went to look at the
falls. Murchison Falls have been described as the most spectacular
thing to happen to the Nile along its 6,700 km length. The mighty Nile
is forced through a gorge only 6 meters wide making for an incredible surge
of water.
We start off looking at the river
at it approached the falls and here there are some amazing rapids.
We then wander down to the actual
gorge where the water is forced through such a narrow opening. The
sound is just awesome - it is hard to speak and be heard. While the
falls are not too high, the sheer magnitude of water forcing its way through
makes it a stunning waterfall.

We head back to do some of our
duties. First taking down the tents and then starting to cook for the
night. In the meantime, Lars runs off to see the sunset and to set up
our tent. As our tent is free standing, we are able to set it up right
overlooking the falls. While it may be noisy, it should make for an
amazing campsite.
Lars returns and continues with
cooking and Jacqui then heads down to get her glimpse of the sunset.
It is a great one.
Dinner is bangers and mash along
with beans and stir fry. After cleaning up, we hang out by the fire
for a while, but then decide that we should take advantage of our great
campsite and retire to our tent. We take a drink with us and head
off. The walk to the tent is a bit scary, but amazing. The noise
of the falls is tremendous and we are walking near the river for a couple
hundred of meters. A few wrong steps, and... But we make it
safely to our tent.
After putting our sleep gear in
our tent, we sit on one of the rocks overlooking the falls. We can see
that the moon is just beginning to rise and it is an incredible sight.
At first we see the glow of the moon on the horizon. As the moon rises
over the horizon, it begins to light up the river and the falls. As
there is a lot of white water, the effect is amazing. Lars takes some
time exposure photos with the SLR camera. We sit there and watch the
water and the falls for almost 2 hours. It is mesmerizing.
We then head off to our tent to
go to bed, brushing our teeth on the cliff edge overlooking the falls.
We have left the front half of the tent rain fly open, so we get an
excellent view of the falls. There is a nice, cool breeze that is
generated by the rush of the water. We are afraid that we will not be
able to sleep because of the tremendous noise being generated by the rushing
water. But our fears are ill-founded. We soon fall asleep and
have a great nights rest.