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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Uganda - 12 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Murchison Falls National Park (the falls) N02º16.691' E031º41.131' 664 m
Finish Busingiro - Budongo Forest Reserve N01º42.931' E031º28.185' 1,089 m 110 km


24,703 km

3,783 km


Weather: Clear, sunny and very hot.  Partly cloudy in the afternoon.  Cool at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

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We rise early after a very peaceful nights sleep right over the Murchison Falls.  At first we just laze around in the tent watching the sun rise as it throws it's different colors on the falls.  It is a great way to wake up.  After about two hours we pack up our sleep gear and head back up to the truck for breakfast.


After breakfast, we decide to head down to the river for a swim.  Well, not really a swim as the current was a bit strong, but rather a dip in some of the calmer waters near the edge.  But we still needed to be careful not to get sucked into the river as the falls were only 100 meters down river.


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First we take a short bath and then we just lounge around in the water.  There is a nice natural Jacuzzi that is formed by the water rushing over a few rocks.  It is great to just lay in there and let the water pour over you and the sun hit you with hits warm rays.


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Here is our dedicated crew hard at work!?!?!


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We then wander back to our tent to write some postcards - but Lars is distracted by the falls and the rainbows that are generated by the sun and the spray.


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After a while we decide to stop being so lazy and to wander along the cliff edge down river to go to the head land where we can get a panoramic view of the falls.  We are not disappointed with the view that we get.


It is then back to the campsite for a quick lunch, after which we pack up and prepare to leave.  We are on our way by 1 AM.  We head back south towards Busingiro and Budongo Forest Reserve.  We take a different road out and we pass along the shores of Lake Albert on our way.  We arrive after about a 1½ hour drive.  After setting up our tent, we take it easy for the rest of the evening.  Dinner is barbeque chicken, fried potatoes and vegetables.


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