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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Uganda - 3 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Kampala (Red Chilli Hideaway) N00º19.215' E032º37.826' 1,183 m
Finish Lake Bunyonyi S01º16.246' E029º56.354' 1,969 m  421 km


23,576 km

2,656 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and hot. Cool/cold at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Another long day of driving ahead of us so we are up early.  After packing up the camp site we first head into Kampala as we need to change some money.  We get into the city shortly after 8 AM.  First thing we do is go to the post office to check our poste restante - we get two packages from home (many thanks!!!).  From there we find a bank that changes traveler's checks at a decent exchange rate, so we are set to go.


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About 1¼ hours after leaving Kampale, we cross the equator.  While we have crossed the equator a number of times so far on this trip, here they have a nice marker marking the spot - so we have to do the tourist thing and stop for some photos.


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We arrive at Lake Bunyonyi shortly before 6 PM.  Lake Bunyonyi is the deepest lake in Uganda and is a beautiful spot - the irregular shaped lake is dotted wit islands and is nestled amongst steep hills on all edges.  We saw the house which Idi Amin used for a while.  We set up camp and then have a drink in the bar overlooking the the lake, watching as the sun sets.  After dinner, we return to the bar for another drink, prior to retiring to our tent for the night.


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