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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Uganda/Kenya - 17 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Bujagali Falls on the Nile River near Jinja (Speke Camp) N00º28.966' E033º09.537' 1,111 m
Uganda - Kenya border (Malaba)
Finish Kakamega Forest Reserve, Kenya N00º14.153' E034º51.915' 1,600 m 280 km


25,396 km

4,476 km


Weather: Clear, sunny and very hot.  Cool at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today we will be leaving Uganda and heading for Kenya.  We have had a great time in Uganda, but it is time to move on.  Today we are a bit late in getting ready as we do not hear our alarm over the roar of the nearby rapids - so we have to rush in taking down our tent.  We have a quick breakfast of pancakes and then we are ready to leave shortly after 8 AM.


We first head into Jinja, where we need to do some food shopping.  As it is a Sunday, there is not too much we can do and we just wander the streets for a while.  A bit less than an hour later, we are off again.  While we are driving towards the border, we come upon an accident on the road.  A trailer has tipped over and as it is full of jerry cans of oil, we need to be careful, but we get around OK.  We stop for lunch by the side of the road.


Shortly after 1 PM we arrive at the Uganda side of the border.  It only takes about 30 minutes to clear the formalities and we are on to the Kenya side.  It is equally quick on that side.  We drive on until we arrive at Kakamega Forest Reserve after 5 PM.  Kakamega Forest is one of the last bits of virgin rainforest left in this area that once used to span the entire African continent in the region around the equator.


We set up the campsite and then take it easy for the rest of the evening, working on our diaries and chatting.  We also enjoy watching at the many monkeys that are playing in the trees.  For dinner we have hodge podge - the Dutch dish introduced to us in West Africa.


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