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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Uganda - 5 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Kisoro S01º16.964' E029º41.041' 1,916 m
Finish Kisoro S01º16.964' E029º41.041' 1,916 m  -


23,668 km

2,748 km


Weather: Partly cloudy, sunny and hot. Short rain shower in the afternoon.  Cool/cold at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today we hang around the camp site waiting for our turn to go see the gorillas.  After breakfast, we spend some time looking at some motorcycles that we may rent to go for a ride.  They are not very good (brakes, idle and gears do not work well), so we send them away.  We then do some laundry before lunch.  At around this time the first group to see the gorillas comes back and they have had a great time.  We are looking forward to going tomorrow.


We then walk into town for lunch.  We go to Skyblue which as been recommended to us and it is quite good.  After lunch, we wander around town and as it is the weekly market, the town is full of people and very busy. On our way back, we look into the national park office to see what kinds of other activities they offer.  The one hike that we would like to do is not currently available as the gorillas are at the base of the mountain.


Uganda01_Kisoro_Bike_Jac_2127_Web.gif (206243 bytes)

We get back to the campsite and there is another motorcycle there for us to try out and for us to take lessons on.  Jacqui goes first and she does a great job.  We arrange for the bikes to come back on Wednesday.


We spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing at the campsite, including working on our journals.  For dinner we have lasagna and it is excellent (not as good as Flora's or my mom's, but enjoyed it very much).  Took some night photos after dinner and then we retired early as we have to get up early tomorrow to go see the mountain gorillas.





























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