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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Uganda - 7 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Kisoro S01º16.964' E029º41.041' 1,916 m
Finish Kisoro S01º16.964' E029º41.041' 1,916 m -


23,701 km

2,781 km


Weather: Mixed throughout the day.  Clear to cloudy with occasional sun.  Hot in sun, but cool without it.  Cool/cold at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today is another day in bustling Kisoro.  Some motorcycles were supposed to turn up for us to use, but they did not, so we spent the morning working on our journals.  For lunch we walked into town.  After checking out a few places, we decided to go back to Skyblue and it was quite good once again.


On our walk back to the campsite, we stopped in the post office looking for some nice stamps, but they did not have any.  As we continued our walk, we found a salon, so we decided to go in an get a hair cut.  Lars' hair was getting quite long by now.  It was a fun time.  The two guys working in there were very talkative and funny.  In the meantime, Craig had checked out some other motorcycles and had arranged for them to show up tomorrow.  We shall see.


We get back to the camp site shortly after 4 PM and continue working on our journals.  Lots to catch up on.  Dinner is goat and pasta.  After cleaning up we go watch another video and then head off to bed.































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