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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Uganda - 13 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Busingiro - Budongo Forest Reserve N01º42.931' E031º28.185' 1,089 m
Finish Red Chilli Hideaway (Kampala) N00º19.251' E032º37.826' 1,183 m 262 km


24,965 km

4,045 km


Weather: Early morning showers that clear by 6:30 AM.  Then partly cloudy, sunny and very hot.  Cool at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today we are up early as we are going to track the chimpanzee.  After a quick breakfast, we split into two groups and head into the forest with a guide.  We end up wandering around for about 2½ hours and we only see a few monkeys at a distance.  But it is still a nice wander through the forest in the early morning.  At times there is not much of a trail, so it is a more interesting walk as we have to step around mud and trees and other obstacles.


We come out at a road and wander back to the campsite.  It is here, as we walk along the road, that we see the most.  We see some blue monkeys, black and while colubus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, large hornbills and lots of butterflies.  Seeing and hearing the hornbills fly overhead was amazing.  Their open wings have a great pattern and they make a loud whooshing sound as they fly by.


We get back to the campsite shortly before 10 AM - just in time for some brunch.  We have an amazing spread of eggs, toast, sausages, beans, bacon and cereal.  We then pack up the campsite and have left before 11 AM.  We head south towards Kampala.  We first stop in Masindi to re-stock the bar and we arrive in Kampala shortly before 4 PM.  We spend some time wandering about town, first going to the post office where we pick up some more mail from my parents (many thanks!!!).  We then check our emails at the internet cafe, after which we return to the truck.


We head off and arrive at Red Chilli Hideaway at 6 PM, where we will be spending the night.  We take it easy tonight as we have a big day ahead of us - we will be white water rafting the source of the Nile.  This should be intense.





























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