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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Kenya/Uganda - 2 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Kisumu Beach Resort (Kisumu) S00º05.784' E034º43.979' 1,149 m
Kenya-Uganda border (Busia)
Finish Kampala (Red Chilli Hideaway) N00º19.215' E032º37.826' 1,183 m  318 km


23,155 km

2,235 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and hot. Cool at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today we continue on our way to the mountain gorillas in Uganda.  After packing up the truck, we head back into the town of Kisumu to do some shopping.  We sit down and write a bunch of postcards and mail them off.  We are on our way by 10:20 AM and about an hour later, we cross the equator.


We arrive at the Kenya side of the border at 1 PM and we clear formalities in 10 minutes (they had run out of cards to fill out).  The Uganda side takes about 50 minutes.  While we are waiting for our passports to be stamped, we walk across the border and into town to get some snacks (they are much more relaxed here then in West Africa).  Shortly after we cross the border, we stop for lunch on the side of the road.


We arrive in Kampala just before 7 PM that evening.  We relax while the people at the camp site where we are staying prepare our dinner.  They prepared a feast of hamburgers, sausages, chicken, salad, pasta salad and potato salad.































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