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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Uganda - 10 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Lake Bunyonyi S01º16.246' E029º56.354' 1,969 m
Finish Mpanga Forest Reserve N00º12.369' E032º18.084' 1,225 m 377 km


24,231 km

3,311 km


Weather: Early morning began with heavy rain, but it stopped raining by 7 AM.  Clouds slowly cleared throughout the day until it was clear and sunny. Cool, then warm.  Cool/cold at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

We wake up this morning to the sound of quite heavy rain fall on our tent.  We did not look forward to getting up in the rain and taking down our tent.  We waited for the last minute.  Also, as we had not brought our rain coats with us the night before, Lars first rain back to the truck to get our rain coats.  But then we were lucky - just as Lars came back to the tent with the rain coats, the rain slowed down and then stopped.


We hurried and took our tent down while it was not raining.  We had breakfast at the truck and then packed up the campsite.  We left shortly after 8 AM.  We first headed into Kabale, where we made a short stop for Sammy to buy some food.  We drove through the morning in the direction of Kampala.  We stopped for lunch by the side of the road.  We crossed the equator once again at 3 PM.


Uganda01_Mpanga_Campsite_2198_Web.gif (306749 bytes)

By 3:30 PM we arrive at Mpanga Forest Reserve, which is about 37 km southwest of Kampala.  It is a young forest, only 50 years old, that was used as a tropical research institute.  It has lots of trails that wind through the forest so you can get a good chance of seeing the many butterflies (181 species) and birds (141 species). After drying out our tent, we set it up in one of the tree houses that they have there.  This way we are really up in the forest.


We then go for a short walk through the forest taking the butterfly loop.  It is a nice short walk and we see quite a few butterfly as we wander through the forest.  After getting back to the campsite, we take a shower.  After we get al clean, we take it easy and write some postcards.  Dinner is pasta with beef stew - it was excellent.


We then retire early to our tree house for a great nights sleep.  We fall asleep to the many sounds of the forest.



























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