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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Uganda - 4 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Lake Bunyonyi S01º16.246' E029º56.354' 1,969 m
Finish Kisoro S01º16.964' E029º41.041' 1,916 m  92 km


23,668 km

2,748 km


Weather: Mostly cloudy and cool. Cool/cold at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

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Today we are on our way to Kisoro, from where we will go see the mountain gorillas.  We have a bit of a sleep in this morning - only getting up at 8 AM.  What a relaxing nights sleep on the lake shore.  It is our turn to help with the cooking today and we prepare eggs, bacon, toast, beans and fruit salad.  After packing up, we are on our way.


Our first stop is in Kabale - Uganda's highest town - where we will shop up for the next 5 days or so.  It is an interesting town - has the feel of an old western town with the dirt main road and the one story buildings lining the streets.  We wander around town for an hour.  We spend some time in the National Park office there, looking at the materials on the gorillas and buying some post cards - they were very helpful.  We then head by the bakery to pick up some lunch.  We are back on the truck and on our way before 12 noon.


We are driving to Kisoro through the mountainous terrain around here.  This area has been called the Switzerland of Africa (except Switzerland does not have volcanoes).  We sit up on the roof seats and it is an amazing drive along the dirt road that winds up and down the mountains around hair pin turns.  While it is a bit cold up on the roof, it is a great ride.


We arrive in Kisoro around 3 PM and set up camp.  We take it easy before we need to help prepare dinner.  We have fish curry with rice.  After cleaning up, we head to the bar where we watch Pulp Fiction while having a cool beer.  


We are all excited to go see the mountain gorillas, but we will be here for a few days as only 6 permits are given out each day, so it will take 4 days for the whole group to go see the gorillas.  We are on the second day.



























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