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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Tanzania/Kenya - 1 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Speke Bay Hotel (on Lake Victoria) S02º16.074' E033º47.861' 1,136 m
Tanzania-Kenya border (Isbania)
Finish Kisumu Beach Resort (Kisumu) S00º05.784' E034º43.979' 1,149 m  366 km


22,837 km

1,917 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and hot. Cool in morning and night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Tanzania01_Speke_Campsite_Sunrise_2117_Web.gif (158232 bytes)

Today we will begin our drive to go see the mountain gorillas in Uganda.  After a breakfast of pancakes (with maple syrup) which we enjoy eating during a beautiful sunrise, we pack up the truck and are on our way shortly after 8 AM.  We head towards the border with Kenya.


We drive all morning and arrive at the Tanzania side of the border just after 12 noon.  Formalities are quick and we are on the Kenya side 15 minutes later.  20 minutes more there, and w across the border.  About 40 minutes later on we stop for lunch (tuna sandwiches) by the side of the road.  After lunch we carry on driving until we get to the city of Kisumu.


We stop in the town to do some shopping and then drive to our campsite just outside town on the shores of Lake Victoria.  We set up camp and the spend the early evening writing postcards.  For dinner we have steaks, potato salad, salad and bread.  We take a shower and then head off to bed.































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