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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Kenya - 23 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Nairobi - Dolat Hotel S01º17.057' E036º48.888' 1,810 m
Finish Nairobi - Dolat Hotel S01º17.057' E036º48.888' 1,810 m -


26,023 km

5,103 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and very hot.  Warm at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Another day of running errands.  We spend the morning on the internet and going to the two main post offices to check for any mail that may have arrived.  We also find the Singapore Airlines agent and book a flight back from Cape Town to Kuala Lumpur.  It seems to be a reasonable price.


Lunch is a quick one at Trattoria.  The afternoon is spent working on the journal and relaxing in the hotel room.  We then get ready to go out.  we are planning to go to Carnivore and we decide to get dressed up for once.   Glenn will be joining us.


We have arranged for a car to pick us up at 7 PM and he is there on time.  We head out, getting to Carnivore before 8 PM.  We first head to the Simba Saloon for a drink and we have some snacks at the bar.  We then order our dinner from the menu (the buffet is just too expensive).  We get one kilo of game meat - zebra, crocodile and hartebeest - and some other side dishes.


When the food is ready, we go grab a table and dig into the meat.  The meat is quite good, but the eland that we had last time was still the best game meat that we have had.  The crocodile was pretty good, except for the tail.  As we started to finish our dinner, the place began to fill up.  By the time we had finished eating, it was full of young people and the dance floor was packed.  We sat back and watched the crowd.  As usual, it was quite interesting.


We headed back to the hotel around midnight.


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