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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Kenya - 22 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Lake Naivasha - Fish Eagle Inn S00º49.440' E036º20.040' 1,866 m
Finish Nairobi - Dolat Hotel S01º17.057' E036º48.888' 1,810 m 80 km


26,023 km

5,103 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and very hot.  Warm at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today we drive into Nairobi for the end of this leg of the trip.  We have breakfast at 8 AM and then spend the next hour or so getting the truck packed up and all our stuff organised.  We leave shortly after 9 AM.  By the time we arrive in Nairobi at 11:30 AM, we have crossed the 26,000 km mark over all for our Trans Africa trip and 5,000 km mark for East Africa.


We unload all our stuff from the truck and after a few quick goodbyes, we all go our separate ways.  While many of the people are carrying on in a few days, there are a few people who are leaving the trip here.  A bunch of us wander over to the Dolat Hotel and check in.


We spend the afternoon having lunch and running a number of errands in the city.  Lars returns to the hotel in mid-afternoon to work on his journal.


Shortly after 6 PM we head out for dinner.  we decide to have Italian at La Scala.  It was not too bad and it was fairly reasonable.  We then went for a drink in a local bar nearby.





























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