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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Kenya - 24 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Nairobi - Dolat Hotel S01º17.057' E036º48.888' 1,810 m
Finish Nairobi - Terminal Hotel S01º17.057' E036º48.888' 1,810 m -


26,023 km

5,103 km


Weather: Partly cloudy, sunny and very hot.  Warm at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today is a relaxing day in the city.  As we are going to be moving hotels today, we get up and pack our stuff.  We have decided that the Dolat is not so safe when we are not in a big group.  The rest of the people have all left as they are going ahead to Zanzibar, where they will take a dive course.  Before we leave, we say our good byes to Glenn, who is leaving us in Nairobi.  He is going back to West Africa, where he said that he had more fun - best of luck to him.  We are sorry to see him leave the trip early - he was great to have on the trip.


We check out of the hotel and then run some errands.  We go to some shops, we go buy our Singapore Airlines ticket home from Cape Town to Kuala Lumpur (they have a special fare on right now), check to see if we have any mail at the Westlands post office and go to the internet cafe to update the website.  After a quick lunch, we head up to the Terminal Hotel to check in and drop off our stuff.


Then it is out shopping.  It is Saturday and the shops close early (and are not open on Sunday), so we need to do our shopping now.  We buy a number of soapstone plates - we think we got a good deal.  Then we take them back to the hotel and take a short afternoon nap.


After our brief rest, we head down town to go so a movie.  It is nice to go see a movie for a change - we watch "Cast Away".  After the movie we have a light dinner and then head back to the hotel room for an early night.  The walk back to the hotel, however, is a bit scary.  There are not too many people on the streets and the streets are quite dark.  The Dolat seemed safer as there were always more people on the streets - it is hard to know which, in the end would be safer.  We decide that tomorrow we will take a taxi if we come back after dark.





























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