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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Kenya - 21 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Lake Naivasha - Fish Eagle Inn S00º49.440' E036º20.040' 1,866 m
Finish Lake Naivasha - Fish Eagle Inn S00º49.440' E036º20.040' 1,866 m -


25,943 km

5,023 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and very hot.  Cool at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today was a lazy day.  After breakfast, the morning was spent working on our journals.  We had an easy lunch at the truck and then spent the afternoon sorting through our bags and stuff as we will be heading into Nairobi tomorrow for the end of this leg of the trip.


We had a quick shower before dinner.  Dinner was an excellent meal - roast chicken (very succulent), french fries, salad and veggies.  After cleaning up, some of us headed off to a local bar for a drink.  It was a long 500 meter walk down unlit streets.  The bar was ok, but nothing special.  The beer was warm, but cheap.


We got back to the campsite at 11 PM and Glenn and Fred discovered that a number of people had played a practical joke on their tent.  Their tent was turned around, such that the fly was kept in the same position, but the tent was backwards.  When the opened the fly to their tent, all they saw was the back of the tent.  The main surprise was the logs placed under their tent - they must have had an uncomfortable night's sleep.































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