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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Kenya - 20 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Lake Nakuru National Park - Makalia Campsite S00º29.440' E036º04.903' 1,830 m
Lake Nakuru National Park - game drive
Elsemere - George and Joy Adamson's home
Finish Lake Naivasha - Fish Eagle Inn S00º49.440' E036º20.040' 1,866 m 158 km


25,943 km

5,023 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and very hot.  Cool at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

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We are up early this morning so that we can go on a game drive as the sun is rising.  We have a light breakfast and then pack up and are off before 7 AM.  We have a very nice game drive and see a wide range of animals, including elan, buffalo, reticulated giraffe, rhino, wart hogs, flamingos, pelicans, a jackal that had some catch in its mouth, gazelle, impala, eight female lions lounging under a tree and a southern ground hornbill.


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Shortly before 10 AM, we headed up to Baboon Cliff Lookout, which is on top of a cliff with a great view of the lake and the park.  We are going to have brunch up here.  While they are preparing brunch, we have an opportunity to walk along the cliff edge and to take in the excellent views.


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We can even see the formations that the pink flamingos make in the soda lake.


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We have an excellent brunch - eggs, toast, cheese, beans, sausages, fried tomatoes, and pineapple.  Once we have finished brunch, we pack up and head out of the park, driving along the lake.  After we leave the park we stop for a short time in Nakuru to do some food shopping.  We just wander the streets and look at the crafts for sale. We head on shortly after 1 PM and head towards Lake Naivasha.


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We make a stop on the way at Elsemere, the lake front home of George and Joy Adamson of "Born Free" fame.  We arrived at 3 PM and we had an opportunity to visit the museum.  After a quick look there, we watched a video on Joy Adamson's life - it was quite interesting.  And then, we had tea on the lawn over looking the lake.  They put on a great spread and we stuffed ourselves with some excellent snacks.  At the end, we of course, had to do some shopping in the gift shop.  We headed on at 5 PM.


After a very short ride down the road, we arrive at Fish Eagle Inn, where we will spend the next two nights.  After setting up the campsite and having a shower, we take it easy before dinner with a drink and a couple of games of pool.  For dinner we have a great meal of steaks and mash.  After dinner, it is back to the pool table, for a few more games.

























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