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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Kenya - 19 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Naiberi River Campsite N00º26.788' E035º27.012' 1,640 m
Lake Nakuru National Park - game drive
Finish Lake Nakuru National Park - Makalia Campsite S00º29.440' E036º04.903' 1,830 m 220 km


25,785 km

4,865 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and very hot.  In the evening, heavy clouds and rain for short time.  Cold at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

We have breakfast at 8 AM this morning - in addition to the usual eggs, bacon and toast, there is porridge.  We pack up and are on our way by 9 AM and head towards Nakuru.  We arrive in Nakuru shortly after noon and while they do shopping for food, we wander around and get our lunch.


We go to a local place and get a huge feast for a couple of dollars.  After lunch, we wander the streets and end up in the local crafts market.  We look around, but we do not find much of interest.  In any case, we know that we can get most of it in South Africa, so we will wait until then and then we do not have to carry it so far.  We get back to the truck at 2 PM and head off towards Lake Nakuru National Park.  The entrance is only a 10 minute drive away.


The park was created in 1961 and covers 180 km².  The park includes a shallow soda lake which attract the pink flamingos.  In addition to the lake, there are large grasslands and bush which support lots of other animals, including black and white rhino which were introduced to the park.


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We went for a game drive through the park for the rest of the afternoon and saw a wide range of animals, including the many pink flamingos at the soda lake, ...


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... giraffe, gazelle, ostrich, impala, water buffalo, lots of white rhino (which are quite rare and we saw 8 in one group and a few others), ...


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... wart hogs, elan and waterbucks.


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We ended our game drive at a campsite in the game park.  We set up camp and took it easy for the rest of the evening.  Our tent was located at the edge of the campsite as close as we could get to the waterfall.  We were right next to a sign that said we could not go any further and that we need to watch out for wild animals.  It always is a bit more exciting to camp in a game park when you know there are lots of wild animals out there.


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As dinner was being prepared, thick clouds rolled in and we had a heavy rain storm come through.  It made it tough for the cook group, but by the time dinner was ready, the rain had stopped.  By the time we went to sleep, the sky had largely cleared.


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