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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Kenya - 18 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Kakamega Forest Reserve N00º14.153' E034º51.915' 1,600 m
Finish Naiberi River Campsite N00º26.788' E035º27.012' 1,640 m 169 km


25,565 km

4,645 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and very hot.  Cold at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

We need to get up early as it is our turn to prepare breakfast.  We pack up our stuff and get to the truck to prepare our usual breakfast of eggs, sausage and toast.  After cleaning up, we spend the morning hanging around the campsite.  A number of the other people went off to go on a walk through the forest, but given Lars' injured knee, it was thought prudent that we take it easy today.


In any case, we had a very good time at the campsite.  We saw all of the significant monkeys without even leaving the camp site - they would come by in the trees above us.  They were lots of fun.


One everyone had come beck from their walks, we prepared lunch, after which we packed up the campsite and prepared to head out.  We left at 12:30 PM and headed towards Eldoret.  After arriving there at 4:30 PM, the cook group did their shopping while we wandered around.  We then headed of to the camp site that we will be staying at - Naiberi River Campsite.  It is quite a good place - the owner's have done a good job in setting it up.


We need to prepare dinner.  Sammy is good enough to prepare spaghetti bolognaise - which Lars had requested.  It was excellent and we all stuffed ourselves.  After dinner we headed down to the bar and played a few games of pool before heading off to our tent to sleep just before midnight.


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