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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Lom and Roisheim, Norway - 

10-13 July, 2000


Nway00_Lom_Church_104.jpg (299807 bytes) We went back to Lom to celebrate our second anniversary, where we were married in the Lom Stave Church.
Nway00_Roisheim_139.jpg (483444 bytes) We stayed at Roisheim, which was were the wedding party stayed during our wedding.  This time we did not have the whole place to ourselves, but we still had lots of fun.
Nway00_Roisheim_115.jpg (287478 bytes) We enjoyed their wonderful food ...
Nway00_Roisheim_78.jpg (290484 bytes) ... had drinks in the old party room ...
Nway00_Roisheim_81.jpg (291704 bytes) ... went hiking in the hills behind Roisheim and ...
Nway00_Roisheim_84.jpg (298563 bytes) ... enjoyed the wonderful views.
Nway00_Lom_Museum_School_Jac_93.jpg (309279 bytes) Jacqui was thinking of taking up a new profession as a school teacher.
Nway00_Lom_Church_100.jpg (310600 bytes) It was great to be back to the place where we were married two years ago.  It brought back wonderful memories.


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