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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Jotunheimen Mountains, Norway - 

14-16 July, 2000


After our time in Lom, where we celebrated our second wedding anniversary, we spent a few days hiking in the beautiful Jotunheimen mountains in central Norway.
Nway00_Jotun_Gjende_Jac_149.jpg (496915 bytes) We started our hiking from Gjendesheim, which is at the eastern end of the glacier-fed lake Gjende.  The weather was not too great when we started off - low laying clouds and light rain.
Nway00_Jotun_Bessvatnet_150.jpg (533868 bytes) We were on our way to go to Glitterheim, where we would stay the night.  We hiked up towards Bessvatnet, which is on the other side of the famous Besseggen.
Nway00_Jotun_Russvatnet_154.jpg (510249 bytes) The next major feature was lake Russvatnet, which would dominate our next two days.  We spent quite a few hours walking along it's long shore line.
Nway00_Jotun_Russvatnet_Snow_Jac_153.jpg (506576 bytes) We had a number of snow fields to pass through - some a bit tricky with vertical walls, etc.  Jacqui is here crossing over one of the easy ones, with Russvatnet in the background.
Nway00_Jotun_Russvatnet_from_Russglopet_162.jpg (585984 bytes) After making a small side trip and staying overnight in Glitterheim, we headed back to Russvatnet to complete our walk along its shore line.  In this view, we are looking back at Russvatnet from the saddle leading down to Memurubu, our next destination and where we will be spending the night.
Nway00_Jotun_Gjende_Memurubu_163.jpg (545383 bytes) Coming over the saddle from Russvatnet, once again we are looking upon lake Gjende, as we walk down towards Memurubu.
Nway00_Jotun_Gjende_167.jpg (474635 bytes) The next morning (very early), we were treated to a very nice sunrise over lake Gjende.
Nway00_Jotun_Gjende_174.jpg (561355 bytes) We finished our trip to Jotunheimen with a cruise on lake Gjende from Memurubu to Gjendesheim.


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