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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Zimbabwe - 6 April, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Harare (campsite) S17º49.402' E031º03.343' 1,379 m
Harare (city)
Finish Bulawayo (Municipal Campsite) S20º09.499' E028º35.570' 1,352 m 490 km


33,251 km

12,431 km


Weather: Mostly cloudy, occasional sun and hot. Cold at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today is a driving day as we head towards Bulawayo.  We head off by 8 AM and head into Harare, where we need to run some errands (and some of us pick up some more wine and other drinks). We are on our way by 9 AM and drive for most of the day, stopping for lunch by the side of the road.


We arrive at the Bulayawo Municipal Campsite just before 4 PM.  After setting up our tent, we wander into town to run some errands, returning to the campsite at around 5 PM.  While waiting for dinner, we take the time to work on our journals.  After dinner, we take a quick shower and then have a briefing on the safari that we will go on tomorrow in Matabo National Park.


We then grab a lift into town with the safari operator and head to a number of bars.  First we go to a jazz bar.  It is a funny place.  Brightly lit and with not too many customers.  But the band still played for us and a few other customers.  One was an old man who would get up and slowly sway to each piece.


From there we grabbed a number of taxis and headed over to another bar.  This was a bit busier, and more interesting (more people to watch).  After hanging out there for a couple of hours, we decided to head back, with a short stop at a fast food joint for a quick midnight snack.





























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