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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Zimbabwe - 5 April, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Harare (Selous Hotel) S17º49.402' E031º03.343' 1,379 m
Finish Harare (campsite) S17º49.402' E031º03.343' 1,379 m 26 km


32,761 km

11,941 km


Weather: Partly cloudy, sunny and hot. Rain showers and quite cold at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today is the start of our last leg of our trans-Africa trip.  While it has been and continues to be a great trip, we are glad that we are almost finished and can soon be on our way home to our family and friends.  We do not do too much today.


We work on our journals, have the joining meeting for this leg (the truck is full and there are a number of new people joining), do some shopping and pack up our bags.  Just before 3 PM, the truck shows up and we load all our bags in.  We then head off for a short drive to a campsite just outside Harare.


It is a nice campsite with a bar and pool table.  We have a barbeque dinner, but it starts to rain just as we begin to eat, so we run under the awning.  After eating, we retreat to the bar.  We play a couple of rounds of pool, including a few with some locals that were quite good.  Off to bed just before midnight.































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