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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


United Kingdom/France - 23 September, 2000



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start London (Hyatt Hotel) N51º29.916' W000º09.535' 23 m
Dover (ferry) N51º07.285' E001º20.534' 15 m
Finish Campsite (south of Paris) N48º23.395' E001º53.355' 153 m 578 km from Dover


Weather: Clear, sunny and quite warm.



Daily Journal Entry:

We woke up early so that we would have a chance to have a good breakfast in the hotel - our last taste of luxury for quite a while, and to finish packing our bags.  After checking out, we took a taxi to Victoria Station to catch our train to Dover, where we would meet up with Dragoman.  Here is Jacqui with all our luggage as we are about to get on the train (sorry, this picture cannot be enlarged - technical snafu).
UK00_Dover_DragomanTruck_Jac_382_Web.gif (175518 bytes) We met the Dragoman truck at the Dover ferry terminal.  After loading up our stuff, we drive on to the ferry to head to Calais.
UK00_Ferry_DoverCliffs_384_Web.gif (190461 bytes) The ferry sails at 1215 and we have a good view of the white cliffs of Dover as we sail to France.
Once we are in France, after picking up lots of booze to stock the bar and some diesel so we can make it all the way to Africa, we start our long drive to get there.  As "this is an Africa trip", we will just drive as far as we can each day.  From Calais, we drive towards Spain, passing through Paris (but no time to stop). The first day, we drive until about 2200, at which point we pull of at a rest stop which allows camping.  We set up our first camp in the dark and the team leader is good enough to cook dinner for us.  Jacqui does a great job on her first night of camping.  We get the tent set up with no major problems and no martial strife.


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