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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Tanzania - 27 January, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Meserani (Snake Park) S03º24.586' E036º28.997' 1,312 m
Masai village 1 km (walk)
Meserani (Snake Park) S03º24.586' E036º28.997' 1,312 m 1 km (walk)
Mta Wa Mbu
Finish Karatu (Ngorongoro Safari Resort) S03º20.286' E035º40.685' 1,536 m 113 km


21,917 km

997 km


Weather: Partly cloudy, sunny and warm/hot.  Cool at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

We had a slow start to the day.  After a filling breakfast at 8:30 AM, we packed up our campsite to prepare to leave.  At 10 AM we then head off to visit a Masai village.  It is about a 20 minute walk away through the fields.


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We are allowed to visit the compound of one family.  It is a nice visit - we are allowed to take pictures and go into the houses.  They give us a talk and tell us about the Masai lifestyle and culture.  We hear about how they are cattle herders who traditionally were nomadic.  They live off of their cattle, using all parts.  They are very protective of their identity, to the point where they resist sending their children to school.  They still dress in their traditional way and carry out many of their long time traditions.


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Glenn decides to try to get into the local scene and make himself useful by pounding some wheat - the locals thought it was great.  It is actually a lot tougher than it looks.


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We bring along a Polaroid camera and take a number of pictures of the women (there are no men) there.  They are very excited and they all want a picture.  They spend a long time looking at them.


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It is interesting contrasting this visit with the one Lars made in 1985 on his last trip.  The homes then were temporary ones meant to last only 3-9 months, as they would expect to move on as they lead their herds of cattle to the most productive grazing areas.  The compounds were surrounded by the thorn bushes and were much more primitive.  Today, the buildings are permanent and they use barb wire to surround the compounds and villages.


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We head back to the campsite and on the way back we make the obligatory stop at the souvenir shops (where they dress up Ika and Glenn).  Once back at the camp site we help prepare lunch.  After lunch we pack up the truck and head off on our way.  We drive to Karatu, gateway to the Ngorongoro Crater, through Mta Wa Mbu.  Once in Karatu, we set up camp at the campsite.  After spending some time working on our journals, we have a great meal of spaghetti bolognaise.  As it is Craig's birthday, we have a drink at the camp site and then head out to some of the local bars for a few more drinks.



























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