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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Kenya/Tanzania - 26 January, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Whistling Thorns (south of Nairobi) S01º29.698' E036º45.443' 1,753 m
Namanga (Kenya - Tanzania Border)
Arusha (Tanzania)
Finish Meserani (Snake Park) S03º24.586' E036º28.997' 1,312 m 265 km


21,802 km

882 km


Weather: Cloudy and cool.  Rain showers in the morning.  Cool/cold at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today we head to Tanzania.  After having breakfast and packing up our stuff, we head off.  We get to the border shortly after 10 AM - and what a change it is from West Africa.  The formalities are quickly taken care off and we are on our way through both borders within 40 minutes (and that is with the visas being issued on the border)!!!


We arrive in Arusha, the second biggest city in Tanzania, just before 1 PM.  We go have some lunch in a bakery and then wander around town.  We change some money (we are able to get a good rate for our traveler's checks) and then sit down and have a drink/coffee while we wait for the time to leave.


Tanzania01_SnakePark_Chameleon_1916_Web.gif (227364 bytes)

We drive off and arrive at the Snake Park at Meserani at 4:15 PM.  We set up camp (we have our new jobs and Lars is on tents - take them down from the roof - and Jacqui set up - same as in West Africa) and then go take a look at their animal exhibit.  They have quite a few snacks behind glass with very good written descriptions - very informative.  After seeing the snakes, they had a few injured birds in cages that they were rehabilitating before releasing into the wild.  Finally, we saw their reptiles, including crocodiles.  Jacqui went through the whole exhibit as quickly as possible.


After relaxing around the truck for a while, we had an excellent dinner of veal steaks, mashed potatoes, gravy and stir fried vegetables.  Following a drink in the bar, we took a shower and headed off to sleep.





























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