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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Kenya/Tanzania - 27 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Whistling Thorns S01º29.698' E036º45.443' 1,753 m
Namanga  (Kenya-Tanzania border)
Finish Meserani (Snake Park) S03º24.586' E036º28.997' 1,312 m 265 km


26,329 km

5,409 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and very hot.  Cool at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

We are up and having breakfast by 7:30 AM.  After breakfast we pack up the campsite and are on our way at 8:30 AM.  We continue to head south and arrive at the Namanga border post shortly before 11 AM.  Formalities are quick at both the Kenya and Tanzania side and we are on our way less than an hour after arriving.


On our drive towards Arusha we are awarded with a view views of Mt Kilimanjaro.  It is normally very hard to see as it is normally covered by clouds.  We arrive in Arusha just after 1:30 PM and have some lunch.  Then we go and change some money and sit down and write some postcards.  We have a lot to catch up on.  At 3:30 PM we head off to Meserani and the Snake Park where we will be spending the night.  We spend the afternoon getting our stuff organised for our hike up Mt Meru that will start tomorrow.


After dinner, we take a shower and then head off to bed as we have an early start the next day and Lars has not been feeling to well (at this stage we are no even sure if we will climb Mt Meru).































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