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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Kenya - 26 February, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Nairobi - Terminal Hotel S01º17.057' E036º48.888' 1,810 m
Finish Whistling Thorns S01º29.698' E036º45.443' 1,753 m 41 km


26,064 km

5,144 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and very hot.  Cool at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today we start the next leg of our trip across Africa.  We have a lazy morning in our hotel room and pack up our stuff.  We check out shortly before 10 AM and wander down to the 680 Hotel to meet the group.  After a short get together, we head off to run our last minute errands.


We check the internet, buy some altitude sickness medicine, pick up some snacks and then go do some heavy duty shopping.  We have been looking at some nice wooden carvings of a Maasai man and women and we bargain hard to get it to a price we can barely afford.


Kenya01_WThorns_Sunset_2357_Web.gif (158364 bytes)

We finally make it back to the 680 hotel shortly after 3 PM - just in time meet up with the rest and get on the truck and head off by 3:30 PM.  Today we will be following the same route that we did on the last leg of the trip and we drive south for about an hour to Whistling Thorns.  After setting up camp - it is not raining this time - we take it easy, having a few drinks, enjoying the sunset, and meeting the new people that have joined the trip.


After a dinner we play a few rounds of pool and then head off to bed.





























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