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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Cameroon - 9 January, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Nake Bakundu (small village on dirt road) N04º34.415' E009º17.312' 129 m
Finish Limbe (Bay Hotel) N04º80.681' E009º12.451' 6 m 75 km (minivan)


20,002 km


Weather: Partly cloudy, sunny, very hot and humid.



Daily Journal Entry:

We are up early as the drivers have arranged for transport to take us into Limbe, where we will stay until they get the truck fixed.  When we get out of our tent, we note how dirty the tent has gotten overnight - the white sides have turned to a reddish/brown color from the dust from the road.  While it is a nice village, we will be glad to head on.  We have breakfast and then organise our stuff that we will take with us.  They will try to tow the truck into Limbe over the next few days, but they are not sure if they can find a tow truck, so we need to take with us what we need for a few days.


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Our transport arrives - a minivan into which we stuff all eighteen of us.  It is a tight fit and the ride turns out to be quite uncomfortable - it is tough on the backs and the knees.  We are very happy when, 3 hours later, we finally get to the Bay Hotel in Limbe.  It is also of interest to note that with this journey to Limbe, we have crossed the 20,000 km mark on this trip so far traveling by truck, bus, minivan, pirogue, taxi, foot and whatever else was available to us.


Once in Limbe and safely ensconced in the Bay Hotel, we take advantage of the shower to wash off all the dust, dirt, grime and sweat from the last few days.  We feel totally refreshed.  Once we have cleaned up, a number of us head off to the Botanic Gardens for lunch at the "Hot Spot".  It is a wonderful place with good food with excellent views over the ocean below.  The rest of the afternoon is spent taking it easy back at the hotel.


That evening we decide to wander around town looking for a place to eat.  We look into a number of places, but they did not hold too much interest.  But while we were wondering the streets, we did notice something going on with the moon, which was full.  At first we thought that some clouds were partially blocking the full moon, but when the shadow was staying much the same, only covering up more and more of the moon, did we realise that we were watching an eclipse of the moon occurring.  As we walked around we watched it become more and more fully eclipsed.  We finally sat down in a park in the center of a roundabout to watch the moon become fully eclipsed.  We were amused to see that a number of couples took more interest in themselves than the celestial phenomenon occurring above them (they probably thought we were strange for staring up into the night sky). Once the eclipse was full, we went into a restaurant for dinner.  But while eating we kept our eye on the moon, and the total eclipse lasted for about an hour, and then the moon slowly started to re-emerge.


After finishing dinner, we heading out to a bar for a drink, returning to our room after midnight.



























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