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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Cameroon - 19 January, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Kribi N02º54.344' E009º54.113' 11 m
Finish Kribi N02º54.344' E009º54.113' 11 m -


20,730 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny, very hot and breezy.  Light early morning shower.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today is a pretty lazy day.  We spend the day organising our stuff, airing out and cleaning our tent and sleeping gear, cleaning out the truck and working on our journals.  We sort through our packs, throw away the stuff that we do not need and pack it for the flight to Nairobi.


That night we have a group dinner at the restaurant in the hotel that we are staying in.  The food is quite good.  The group also presents to Mark and Rick (the drivers) thank you cards and gifts.  After dinner, we have a few drinks and play pool and table soccer.  We then head off to bed around midnight.

































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