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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Cameroon - 18 January, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Obala (Luna Park) N04º10.611' E011º32.234' 511 m
Yaounde N03º05.620' E011º31.454' 759 m
Finish Kribi N02º54.344' E009º54.113' 11 m 253 km


20,730 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny, very hot and humid.  Breezy in Kribi.



Daily Journal Entry:

We have to get up early this morning as we need to prepare breakfast for the group - we make fried eggs, baked beans, toast and fresh pineapple.  After breakfast, we clean up and pack away the campsite.  And we head off shortly after 8 AM. 


We first drive into Yaounde, as we need to pick up our passports.  They had been given into immigration for a visa extension.  We spend the morning walking around.  It is still very quiet as the summit is still going on.  We try to hook up the computer, but are unable to.  We then head over to Dolce Vita for an ice cream and to buy ourselves a pack lunch to take with us on the truck.  Once again we have a nice view over the main streets where all the action is taking place.  Most streets are blocked off and their are soldiers and police everywhere.


We return to the truck at 12:30 PM and head off on our way to Kribi.  After an uneventful drive, we arrive at Kribi shortly before 5 PM.  Some of us get a room - it is not that much more expensive and it will make it easier for us to sort out all our stuff prior to the flight to Nairobi.  We get a nice room just on the beach overlooking the ocean.


Before dinner we go for a swim in the ocean - it is quite calm, but there are a few nice waves every once in a while.  We shower and then head over to the truck for dinner.  We have pate with toast, followed by pasta with tomato sauce.  It is very good.  We then go relax in the bar and work on our journals.  It is then off to bed early.





























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