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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Cameroon - 27 December, 2000



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Bush camp site (just east of Gouna) N08º30.216' E013º39.448' 299 m
Finish Bush camp site (just west of Kaladi) N06º30.026' E014º03.755' 1,061 m  377 km


17,971 km


Weather: Clear, sunny and very hot.  Cool in the evening and night.



Daily Journal Entry:

The second day of driving on our way to Yaounde and Kribi.  We prepare a breakfast of omelet (with onions, peppers and tomato) and toast, pack up and are away by 8 AM.  In mid-morning, we arrive in Ngaoundere, where the cook group does it's shopping.  We wander around and try to call home, but are unable to get through.  We have lunch in a small pastry shop.


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When we head on, the road turns to dirt, and we slow down and the ride becomes a bit more bumpy.  Just before 5 PM, we pull off the side of the road (in fact, we drove down a side road for a while to get away from the border with the Central African Republic) and set up bush camp.  This campsite is really in the bush.  We drove in on a wide walking path, with the trees closing in on both sides of the truck.  The tents are set up in amongst the trees and bushes.  As we are so close to the border and this is not the best area, we camp with no lights.  For dinner we have macaroni and cheese - very good as it is real cheese.  It is actually quite a nice change to use no lights.  We are sitting in the bush listening to all the sounds and can watch the night sky - much closer to nature.


After some games and talking sitting around in the dark in the forest, we go to bed early.


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