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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Cameroon - 26 December, 2000



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Rhumsiki N10º30.843' E013º35.177' 1,057 m
Finish Bush camp site (just east of Gouna) N08º30.216' E013º39.448' 299 m  441 km


17,594 km


Weather: Clear, sunny and very hot.  Cool in the evening and night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today we start our long drive south towards Yaounde and Kribi.  We have breakfast at 7:00 AM, pack up and are on our way by 8:40 AM.  Shortly before 1 PM, we stop by the side of the road for lunch - it is our cook group so we cobble something together from the leftovers, namely soup, crackers, pork, carrots, potatoes and stuffing.


In mid-afternoon, we stop in Garoua to do some shopping.  It takes us a while to find the food market - it is in the back corner of the general market.  It is not a bad place to shop, so we pick up a few extras (we still have lots of leftovers).  That evening we stop at 5:45 PM and bush camp off the side of the road, just east of Gouna.


We prepare dinner using the leftovers from the Christmas dinner - make some onion and lentil soup, pork stew, stir fired vegetables, stuffing and dessert.  We out it together pretty quickly, clean up, set up our tent and then are into bed for the night.





























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