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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Visiting the Former Bespolka Homes in Vienna - 

28 July, 2000


Vienna00_Home255_290.jpg (582303 bytes) Our first home in Vienna when we moved there in 1969 was at 255 Sieveringer Strasse.  It has been done up a bit since then.
Vienna00_Home255_Stream_285.jpg (563861 bytes) These are the streams and forests that Lars played in when he was quite young.
Vienna00_Home257_282.jpg (538246 bytes) We then moved to 257 Krottenbach Strasse - a bit more space for the growing kids.
Vienna00_Home165a_Jac_Carl_295.jpg (551921 bytes) From there we moved to 165a Sieveringer Strasse after Carl, and then Kevin, went off to college. 
Vienna00_Sievering_Goose_Lars_Carl_297.jpg (566161 bytes) This was where there was a famous goose that would come out and sit on the tram tracks during the day.  Whenever the tram came by, the driver would have to get out and move the goose (and her children).


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