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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Tante Berit's 70th Birthday Party at

the Royal Yacht Club, Oslo, Norway - 

25 July, 2000


Nway00_Oslo_KNA_Kevin_Berit_279.jpg (545344 bytes) Tante Berit celebrated with her many relatives and friends her 70th birthday at the Royal Yacht Club in Oslo.  It is also my brother's birthday, so he also partied hard.
Nway00_Oslo_KNA_Jorgen_273.jpg (597428 bytes) Her son Jorgen gave a great speech.
Nway00_Oslo_KNA_Jac_Jan_278.jpg (603975 bytes) Jacqui with Jan Ivar.
Nway00_Oslo_KNA_Mom_275.jpg (544702 bytes) My mother!!!
Nway00_Oslo_KNA_Mom_Sven_269.jpg (570324 bytes) Everyone had a great time.


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