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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Hamburg, Germany  -  5-8 July, 2000


Hburg00_Dinner_Jac_Peters_29.jpg (302130 bytes) While in Hamburg, Steffi and Olaf, who came all the way to our wedding in Norway, were kind enough to put us up for a few days.  On our first night there, they took us to a great restaurant.
Hburg00_Bar_Jac_Steffi_7.jpg (285856 bytes) The next day, we toured around Hamburg and took in the many sights.  That evening, we had a refreshing drink at the Tower Bar, which had a great view over Hamburg.
Hburg00_River_16.jpg (289237 bytes) Hamburg has lots of canals and water, and they look great at night.
Hburg00_Wine_Jac_Steffi_13.jpg (296081 bytes) And they had a wine festival in town, so how could we pass that up while we were in town ...
Hburg00_Wine_Lars_Steffi_14.jpg (293656 bytes) ... not that we had any fun, of course!!!
Ferry00_Boat_Jac_Peters_21.jpg (270345 bytes) We finally had to leave Hamburg for Norway.  Steffi and Olaf drove us to Kiel, where we caught the Color Line ferry to Oslo.


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