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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Zimbabwe - 2 April, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Harare (Selous Hotel) S17º49.402' E031º03.343' 1,379 m
Finish Harare (Selous Hotel) S17º49.402' E031º03.343' 1,379 m -


32,035 km

11,215 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and very hot.  Warm at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today is Lars' birthday, and we decide to spoil ourselves a bit.  After a slow, lazy start, we decide to head down to the Crown Plaza Hotel for their buffet breakfast.  It is a 15 minute walk to the hotel.  We enjoy a large spread of food and stuff ourselves for the next one hour and fifteen minutes.


We then spend the rest of the morning wandering around town.  First to the post office to see if there is any mail there - and there is.  A number of cards which will be enjoyed later in the day.  We then do some shopping and wander over to the National Gallery for a look.  


After stopping off at the hotel around noon, we go to the internet cafe to check on our email.  It has been a while, so it is good to catch up.  Prior to returning to the hotel, we stop off at a cafe for a piece of cake and a drink.  After a short rest break at the hotel, we go see if we can get a massage (we really want to spoil ourselves today), but find out that they are about to close.  We decide to clean up a bit by getting a haircut.


Back at the hotel, we wash up and then join everyone for a drink at the hotel.  They are all very kind and have gotten a cake and bottle of whiskey for Lars for his birthday.  We head out for dinner and, after a bit of wandering, end up at Alexander's - which turns out to be a great restaurant.


We have a great dinner with lots of food, drinks and wine.  It was all done very well and the prices were very reasonable.  We had some very good starters (things like breaded kingklip) and main courses (in particular the steaks).  They were very kind to serve us the cake that we brought with us for dessert.  We took a taxi back to the hotel (no more wandering around the streets).


Once back in the hotel and safely in bed, we are all awoken by a frightful scream on the street.  It was so loud, piercing and long lasting that just about everyone got up to see what was going on.  But there was nothing we could do.

























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