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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Tanzania - 8 March, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Stone Town, Zanzibar (Tembo House Hotel) S06º09.698' E039º11.234' 3 m
Finish Stone Town, Zanzibar (Tembo House Hotel) S06º09.698' E039º11.234' 3 m -


27,327 km

6,407 km


Weather: Partly cloudy, sunny, very hot and humid.



Daily Journal Entry:

Today, Jacqui and Lars need to split ways in the morning.  Jacqui will go diving - Lars cannot go as he does not have with him is optically corrected dive mask.  We have breakfast in the hotel.  A simple buffet, but we enjoy it sitting out on the terrace overlooking the breach and sea.  We then go over to the dive shop and Jacqui gets ready for her dive.


Tanzania01_Zanzibar3_Diveboat_2456_Web.gif (195417 bytes)

Lars spends the morning taking pictures (including some of Jacqui heading out on her dive) and working on his journal in the hotel.


Jacqui comes back after lunch and after washing up, we head out for an ice cream.  We have met up with some of the crowd that had left us in Nairobi (Paolo and Craig), and we caught up over an ice cream.  We then spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around Stone Town.


Stone Town is a great place to just wander around in and get lost in the labyrinth of narrow streets with the fascinating architecture.  The building display the hybrid mix of Arabic, Indian, European and African influences.  After wandering around for a while, Jacqui decides to get her hair braided.  Lars wanders the streets and then heads back to the hotel for a swim and a shower.


Lars then wanders back to pick up Jacqui at the hair braiders place - the end result is quite interesting, but does not really suit her the way it was done.  Then on to Africa House for a drink and to enjoy the sunset.  After watching the sunset, we wander over to a restaurant called Two Tables.  It is supposed to be a nice place, but we had gotten quite a rude reception.  We had been by the night before, but he did not have space.  So we told him that we would come by tonight and to reserve us two spaces.  He said no problem.  But when we got there tonight, he said that we had not called up to confirm and to send a deposit over - but he had never told us to do this.  He was then very rude to us, so we just left.  


While wandering the streets, we met up with the person who had taken Jacqui diving, so we joined them for a dinner at Z-Bar.  Afterwards we headed over to Kidude, the bar at the Emerson's and Green restaurant.  We had a drink and were then joined by the manager, who entertained us with his stories of years in Africa.  He has spent a lot of time out here, including the last two years on a remote island developing a hotel that ran out of funding.


We get back to the hotel around midnight after a very fun day.























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