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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Tanzania - 11 March, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Dar Es Salaam (Mikadi Beach Resort) S06º49.151' E039º19.280' 0 m
Mikumi National Park
Finish Iringa S08º08.810' E035º24.735' 1,767 m 540 km


27,963 km

7,043 km


Weather: Partly cloudy, sunny, and very hot.  Cold at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

The next two days will be spent driving to Malawi.  We are up early as we want to get on the ferry without a long wait and avoid any rush hour traffic trying to get out of the city.  They have been working on the main road into and out of the city for a number of years and it is a real mess.


We stop for breakfast just before 8 AM at some stalls that they have by the road side.  We get some omelets and doughnuts.  Then we carry on our way.  The road we are driving on passes through Mikumi National Park.  We arrive at the park entrance just before noon and a number of us get up on the roof seats for the drive through.


Tanzania01_Mikumi_Elephant_2470_Web.gif (206331 bytes)

We see a number of animals as we drive through, including the pygmy elephant (this is one of the few places you can see them and they are, well, quite cute given their size), giraffes, bucks and wart hogs.


After about one hour we leave the park and stop for lunch by the side of the road.  We arrive at our campsite near Iringa just before 6 PM.  Not too much to do here, other then to hang out, work on our diaries, have dinner and then chat around the fire.





























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