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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Tanzania - 30 January, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Ngiri Camp Site (Serengeti National Park) S02º25.119' E034º51.491' 1,539 m
Game drive one (Serengeti National Park) 45 km
Game drive two (Serengeti National Park) 90 km
Finish Ngiri Camp Site (Serengeti National Park) S02º25.119' E034º51.491' 1,539 m  


22,317 km

1,397 km


Weather: Partly cloudy, occasional sun and cool.  Occasional short rain shower. Cool/cold at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

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We are up early to go out on a game drive in the park.  After a quick breakfast, we are off at around 6:30 AM to see what kind of game we can find today.  We are treated to a wonderful sunrise - in this case we have an acacia tree in the foreground.


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After heading on for a while, we come across the balloon that a number of our group took for an early morning flight over the Serengeti.


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On the morning game drive we see a number of animals, including giraffe, topi, hippos (including one having a good time in a pond and ...


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... then wandering around on land), ...bat-eared fox, goliath heron, secretary bird,...


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... maribu stork, and


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... and the usual hooved animals, including these impalas.  We returned to the camp site in mid-morning for a brunch of eggs, bacon, toast, cheese and beans.  After relaxing for a while, we headed out for an afternoon's game drive.


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We first stopped off at the visitor center, where they had a very informative display on the park and the environment that it contains and protects.  While there, we saw a number of very colorful lizards.


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From there, we went on our game drive.  The afternoon was not as good as the morning, but we still had a great time.  We saw topi, three male lions lounging around in the grass, a feral cat, the black-backed jackal, a young giraffe, a dik dik and the usual other hooved animals.


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We got back to the camp site shortly before 7 PM.  After working on our journals for a while, we had vegetable curry with rice for dinner.  We went to bed shortly thereafter, again to the sound of all the animals, including lions and hyena, coming from the bush around us.



















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