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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Kenya - 22 January, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Lake Baringo N00º36.727' E036º01.407' 994 m
Finish Nairobi (Terminal Hotel) S01º17.057' E036º48.888' 1,010 m 275 km


21,496 km

576 km


Weather: Partly cloudy, sunny, and hot.  Occasional rain showers.  Cool at night.



Daily Journal Entry:

We wake up a bit early, which gives us the opportunity to watch a great dawn.  We could see over the lake from our tent, with the sky slowly turning a lighter and lighter blue as the sun rose behind the hills.  At the same time, a small crescent moon was just above where the sun would come up - it was a bright white in the dark blue sky.  It was wonderful to watch as the colors changed.  We then went back to sleep and woke up again around 8 AM.  We slowly get ready and head over to the truck, where we are just about in time for breakfast.


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And this must have been one of our best breakfasts in a long time. There was cereal with real milk, bread, sausages, bacon, fresh fruit and eggs made to order. It was wonderful.  After breakfast, we go walk around the lake shore.  In the water we can see the crocodiles, with their eyes and snouts sticking out of the water, and the hippos in the distance.  Last night we could hear them as they came ashore.


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We return to the truck at 11AM, prepare a pack lunch and then load up the truck and prepare to head back to Nairobi.  We leave around noon and arrive in the center of town at 5 PM.  By the way, the drive is great with some wonderful scenery to watch.  It is quite a nice change from West Africa.


We check into the Terminal Hotel and, after a quick shower, meet up to go look for some dinner.  We decide to try vegetarian Indian - after a bit of wandering, we find the place.  It turns out to be great value and we stuff ourselves at the buffet.  We then head out for a drink to Buffalo Bill's - a notorious bar.  It is a bit sleazy, but not as bad as the guidebooks make it sound.  We have a few drinks and play a bit of pool.  We head back to the hotel around midnight.





























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