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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Cameroon - 4 January, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Seme (Seme New Beach Hotel) N04º03.365' E009º03.172' 0 m
Limbe N04º00.681' E009º12.451' 6 m
Finish Bush camp site (in palm oil plantation on way to Korup National Park) N04º33.981' E009º06.067' 37 m 280 km


19,714 km


Weather: Cloudy, very hot and humid. Heavy dew over night.



Daily Journal Entry:

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We have a very short stay at Seme - we head out this morning towards Korup National Park.  Lars gets up to see the sunrise from the beach - it is a black sand beach formed from the lava from Mount Cameroon.  He hangs out by the beach for a while and then heads back to help Jacqui back up the sleep stuff.


After breakfast, we pack up the truck and drive into Limbe, the nearby town.  We get into town at 10:30 AM and as it is now our turn to cook, we need to do our shopping.  We head off to the local market - and it is quite good.  Lars goes and gets the meat and Jacqui and Jon the rest.  They have some very good meat, which they chop up into small pieces.  We then find someone to grind it up for us - it used an old machine which tore it more than it ground it, but it did the job.


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After shopping, we head back to the truck, drop off the shopping and then find a place for lunch.  We go to a restaurant which has tables over looking the ocean.  It has a great breeze and views and we enjoy a few cool drinks and some grilled fish and chips.  After lunch, shortly after 1 PM, we head on our way to Korup National Park.  We drive for the whole afternoon.  After a while, the road turns to dirt and we start to drive through a massive palm oil plantation.  At 5:30 PM, we pull off the road, back down a track leading into the plantation and set up a bush camp in amongst the palm oil trees.


We prepare dinner tonight - spaghetti bolognaise, salad, and garlic bread with pineapple for dessert.  It is quite good, except we over cook the pasta a bit.  After cleaning up the dishes and putting everything away, we get ready for bed.


During the night, at times we think that it is raining.  What we discover in the morning, however, is that there has been very heavy dew and the moisture would gather on the palm leaves and then fall in large drops.



























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