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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Cameroon - 15 January, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Yaounde (Catholic Mission) N03º52.620' E011º31.454' 759 m
Finish Yaounde (Catholic Mission) N03º52.620' E011º31.454' 759 m -


20,342 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny, very hot and humid.



Daily Journal Entry:

We have breakfast at the Mission this morning - it is included.  The women in charge came up to us around 8 AM and told us that breakfast was served until 7:30 AM, but that the staff were waiting around for us to come - we hurried over.  We must be one of their more difficult guests!!!


From the mission, we took a taxi down into town and headed to the National Museum.  We were not sure we had arrived at the correct place - it looked like a palace and there were lots of people running around doing stuff.  We wandered in anyway and headed up to the building past all the workers setting up stages, etc.  At the building itself there were lots of people running around and paintings on the floor outside and inside the building.  We wandered through the building at will - it turns out that it is the old palace that has been recently renovated.  They did quite a good job.  It seems that they are getting it ready for the upcoming Africa France summit for some kind of reception.


We then wander down into the grounds, where they are setting up replica traditional houses from around West Africa.  They are very well done and it is quite interesting to walk around and inside them.  The visit is only slightly marred by the workers putting up the buildings asking if we have something for them - usual thing around here so we are getting used to it.  Not the way to attract tourists, even though the workers said the hut replicas were meant to attract more tourists.


We then spend an hour walking around town - it is starting to get a bit deserted downtown with all the preparations for the summit.  Jacqui calls home, then we go for lunch in a local restaurant.  The afternoon is spent at the internet cafe sending out Chinese New Year cards to family and friends.  The rest of the afternoon is spent taking a nap back at the Mission.


We have dinner in a local restaurant near the mission - they have some very good local dishes.  We then go and have some ice cream afterwards, followed by a drink at another bar.  We also called the Dragoman drivers in Limbe to make the arrangements for meeting tomorrow in Yaounde.



























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