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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Cameroon - 29 December, 2000



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Obala (Luna Park) N04º10.611' E011º32.234' 511 m
Yaounde (capital of Cameroon)
Finish Kribi beach N02º54.344' E009º54.113' 11 m 350 km


19,102 km


Weather: Some clouds, sunny, and very hot.  Sticky/humid, but cooler in the evening and night.



Daily Journal Entry:

Cameroon00_EnrouteKribi4_Obala_Campsite_1780_Web.gif (231272 bytes)

Given our late arrival the night before, we had a slow morning. In the daylight, it looked like quite a nice place to camp.  Breakfast was at 9 AM, after which we packed up our campsite and headed into Yaounde.  First task was to go to the Gabon embassy to apply for our visas.  We had troubles finding the embassy, so we were dropped off in town while the drivers went to go get the forms.


While in Yaounde, we did not do too much.  We checked our emails at the internet cafe, grabbed some pastries for lunch and then headed back to the truck for our drive to Kribi.  We arrived at Kribi, a nice small town on the beach shortly after 6 PM.  After setting up our campsite and getting the fire going, some of us went to hang out at the bar on the terrace overlooking the beach.


After a dinner of beef stew and potatoes, we headed back to the bar for a drink and to play some pool and table soccer.  We had a good time.  Before retiring to our tent, we watched some of the others hang up their mozzie nets prior to going to bed - what a production some of them made of it (you know who you are!!).  Our tent was set up in a great spot overlooking a small lagoon and the ocean, and we could watch as the moon rose in the night sky and cast it's reflection on the lagoon.































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