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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Cameroon - 22 December, 2000



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Waza National Park (campsite near entrance) N11º24.021' E014º33.434' 318 m
Finish Rhumsiki N10º30.843' E013º35.177' 1,057 m  378 km


17,121 km


Weather: Clear, sunny and very hot.  A few wispy clouds.  Cool in the evening and night.



Daily Journal Entry:

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Today we will be heading to Rhumsiki, where we will be spending Christmas.  Rhumsiki is a volcanic area on the border with Nigeria which is dotted with numerous volcanic plugs.  After getting up and packing away our stuff, we have a breakfast of fried eggs and toast.  Once we have filled up the water tank on the truck, we are on our way.


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At around noon, we stop in the town of Maroua, where we do some shopping for our Christmas dinner.  After a quick excellent lunch in one of the local restaurants, we are once again on our way.  We arrive in Rhumsiki at 5:30 PM and set up camp.  After a quick look at the sunset, for the rest of the evening, we help out the cook group prepare the evening meal.  For dinner, we have beef stew.

































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