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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Germany - 14 July, 2004



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Frankfurt (Ibis Frankfurt Airport) N50º03.000' E008º32.711' 117 meters .
Frankfurt Airport Bahnhof . . . .
Hamburg Hauptbahnhof . . . 340 km (by train)
Finish Ohlstedt, Hamburg (Steffi and Olaf's place) . . . .

Total (BMW 330CiC)

12,128 km

Total (other):

5,000 km


17,128 km


Weather: Cloudy and cool.



After a bit of a snooze in bed this morning, Lars gets ready to take the train to Hamburg.  There is a bit of confusion on how the bus shuttle timetable works, so some time is wasted hanging out in the lobby for the shuttle.  But once at the airport, the ever efficient Germanic system comes back into play.  The train station is connected to the airport and the ticket to Hamburg is soon in hand.  Then it is off to the platform by way of the supermarket to buy some supplies for lunch on the train.


The train pulls into the station just on time and once we are all aboard the Inter-City Express ("ICE") train, it leaves on time.  The train races north towards Hamburg, making a few stops along the way.  Lars keeps himself busy reading, having a picnic lunch and working on his journal.  The train arrives at the main train station in Hamburg at 4:35 PM and Jacqui is there, with a rose, waiting.


Then it is off to the subway or Schnellbahn to catch the train out to the suburb where we will be staying for the next few days.  Our friends Steffi and Olaf have been kind enough to put us up at their nice apartment in Ohlsted.


We have a relaxing evening, with dinner at home.  We sit around and chat an catch up.  Then it is time to head off to bed.


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