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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Germany - 4 July, 2004



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Goslar (Gästehaus Zellmer) N51º54.381' E010º25.274' 287 meters .
Frankfurt (Holiday Inn Airport North) N50º03.000' E008º32.711' 117 meters 320 km
-  Lars departs for Singapore and Kuala Lumpur . . . .
-  Jacqui stays in Frankfurt . . . .
Finish Frankfurt (Holiday Inn Airport North) N50º03.000' E008º32.711' 117 meters .

Total (BMW 330CiC)

11,537 km

Total (other):

4,660 km


16,197 km


Weather: Mostly clear, sunny and warm (about 20°C).  In mid-afternoon, mostly cloudy, occasional sun, occasional rain and cool/warm.



After the usual Germanic breakfast in our small guest house, it is time to go an explore this historic town which is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  We spend the next three hours just wandering through the narrow, winding ancient streets.  It is a pleasure just to meander amongst these old buildings.


We headed down to the Market Square, which has the 15th century Rathaus and the Guildhouse (now the Hotel Kaiserworth) on two sides.


Nearby is the Pfarrkirche - the Gothic Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian.  We go inside and check out the interior of this church with its Romanesque stained-glass windows.


After this we just wander through the streets.  At every bend and lane we come upon more historic half-timbered buildings.  We make our way down the Hoher Weg to the Dom Platz.  At the far end of the large field is located the Kaiserpfalz, the old Emperors' palaces.


We carried on to the old city walls and walked along part of the remnants for a while, before turning back towards the old town.  Soon it is time for lunch, so we go and find a konditorei where we can have a good cup of coffee and some tasty snacks.  Lars also notices that they serve Germknodel, which he has not had for over twenty years (they were the meal of choice during lunch while skiing in the alps).  It brought back many good memories (along with plenty of heart-stopping fat).


It is back to the streets for some more wandering amongst the streets and lanes.  But soon it is time to head back to our car and be on our way to Frankfurt.  It takes us about three hours to drive to Frankfurt.  There is a stretch of the highway that is undergoing expansion, so it was a bit slow at that point.  Once in Frankfurt, we make our way to the hotel that we have booked for the night.


At this point, our paths will separate for a short time.  Lars needs to head back to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur for some meetings.  Jacqui will stay in Germany, visiting with some friends.  We settle into our hotel room, wash up and re-pack some of our stuff.  We are taking the opportunity to take some of our things back with us, including our purchases.  Less stuff to try to stuff into our car.


We have brought with us some food from Goslar, so we have our dinner in the hotel room.  Then it is 8 PM and time for Lars to head to the airport.  He takes Singapore Airlines back to Kuala Lumpur via Singapore.


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