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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Germany - 2 May, 2004



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Frankfurt (Holiday Inn Hotel - Airport North) . . . .
Frankfurt Main Airport Train Station . . . 15 km (by van)
-  Aboard ICE 513 train . . . .
Munich Main Train Station . . . 425 km (by train)
Finish Munich (Hotel Deutsches Theater) N48º08.242' E011º34.561' 671 meters .

Total (BMW 330CiC):

0 km

Total (other):

455 km


455 km


Weather: Partly cloudy and sunny.  Cool in the morning and evening.  Warm during the day.



We had not fixed a time or plan to get to Munich, other than knowing we would get there by train.  We slept for as long as we could, but jet lag did not let us sleep past 7 AM.  SO we decided to get up and and make our way to Munich.  We checked out of the very efficient hotel and caught the 8 AM shuttle to the airport.  After grabbing two trolleys, we checked out the train schedule and bought two tickets to Munich on the 8:53 AM Inter City Express.  We had just enough time to grab a snack and a coffee before boarding the train along the gleaming, silver platform.  The efficiency continues as we leave on time.


It was a very pleasant train journey - comfortable seats, friendly staff and a smooth fast journey to Munich.  We arrived on time at 12:25 PM and after gathering some information (in particular a map to allow us to find our hotel), we made our way on foot the short way to our hotel for the next two nights.  We had pre-booked ourselves over the internet at the Hotel Deutsches Theater.  It turns out to be a small, pleasant hotel.  After checking into our room and dropping off our stuff, we head out for a walk (and in the search of something to eat).


We have no real plan - just to wander.  We head over to Karlsplatz and head down the pedestrian street of Neuhauser Strasse to Marienplatz.  Along the way we pass the many churches and old, restored buildings, ending up at the new Rathaus.  There we grab a bratwurst in a roll and carry on walking.


We make our way up to the Hofgarten, and take a seat at the out door cafe in the courtyard and enjoy a glass of wine as we listen to four elderly gentleman play blues and swing music.  The sun shines, on occasion, through the high level clouds.  It is a very enjoyable way to spend an hour or so.  Then we slowly make our way back to the hotel, taking a slightly different path.


We stop off at the Frauenkirche and take a look inside this imposing church that has been re-built along Gothic lines with its two dome-topped towers.  It is quite impressive.  As we leave the church, we notice a number of restaurants nearby that may be interesting for dinner.  On our way back to the hotel we stop off at a small shop to pick up some water.  Back at the hotel, we take a few hours for a nap.


While we do have a bit of a struggle to open our eyes, we decide that it is best for us to get up and have some dinner and get some fresh air.  It has started to rain slightly, so we take our umbrellas with us.  It is a pleasant walk back down the pedestrian street where we check out a few of the restaurants - but in the end we decide to head to the ones near the Frauenkirche.  And we have no regrets. The interior is very charming, the staff very friendly, the food good and filling, and the beer excellent.  It is warm and cosy - now this is the Gemutlichkeit that Lars remembers from his Austrian days.  The restaurant serves the beer produced by the Andechser Kloster, and we get the idea to head out to this monastery tomorrow after we pick up our car - we shall see.  After dinner we slowly make our way back to our hotel.


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