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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Germany - 1 May, 2004



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Kuala Lumpur (home) . . . .
Kuala Lumpur International Airport . . . .
-  Aboard SQ107 . . . .
Singapore Changi Airport . . . .
-  Aboard SQ 326 . . . .
Frankfurt-Main Airport . . . .
Finish Frankfurt (Holiday Inn Hotel - Airport North) . . . 15 km (by van)

Total (BMW 330CiC):

0 km

Total (other):

15 km


15 km



In Kuala Lumpur:  Overcast with occasional rain. Hot.

In Frankfurt:  Mostly cloudy and cool



We are about to begin our motor tour of Northern Europe, but first we must make the long airplane journey to Frankfurt (and then by train to Munich) to collect our car from the BMW factory.  We are up early at 6 AM (after going to bed around 3 AM wrapping up the last minute packing) and our taxi is early.  We are fortunate - we have found a guy that is friendly, efficient and does not try to rip us off.  He even has a station wagon - so not problems fitting all our luggage in.  We have brought a bit more stuff with us then we would like - but we are going for almost 4 months and we have a wide range of activities to pack for (from camping and hiking to formal dinners).


Our trip to Frankfurt is long, but uneventful.  During our transit in Singapore we run some errands and then on the long flight to Frankfurt we catch up on some of the movies that we have missed.  We land in Frankfurt on time at around 8:30 PM and very quickly pass through immigration and collect our bags.  After waiting about 20 minutes, we catch the shuttle bus to the airport hotel that we booked on the internet.  Just a bit over an hour after landing, we are settling into our very nice room at the Holiday Inn - Frankfurt Airport North.  We are pretty tired, so we just head right off to bed.


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