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The Travel Journal of Jacqui and Lars


Ecuador - 14 November, 2001



Location Latitude Longitude Elevation

Travel Distance

Start Parador Turistico de Vilcabamba, Vilcabamba S04º15.828' W079º13.187' 1,597 m
Finish Parador Turistico de Vilcabamba, Vilcabamba S04º15.828' W079º13.187' 1,597 m -

Leg 1 Total:

1,353 km


771 km

Grand Total:

2,124 km


Weather: In the morning partly cloudy, sunny and hot.  In the afternoon cloudy with occasional rain and cool.



We spend a lazy morning in the hotel sleeping in, having breakfast and working on our journals.  Before lunch we stroll into town to do some cook group shopping.  Today is our turn to cook, so we need to see what we can find.  The idea is to have a cook out, but we struggle to find any meat.  We are told that the market is on Sunday.


After looking into about 5 small shops, we find one that has enough meat along with a whole chicken that we can buy.  We then look for the rest of the ingredients.  We find most of it, but it does seem a bit expensive.  We have lunch at a small place on the village plaza and watch the town life around us.


There are two guys struggling to juggle.  One man has laid his wares out to sell.  There are two dogs that are sniffing around and chasing every motorcycle that comes by.  They even seem to anticipate a bike coming by and will go seek them out.  There is a timid little puppy with a necklace.  Not many people wandering around.


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When a few drops of rain start to fall, we decide to head back to the hotel.  The rest of the afternoon is spent working on our journals and starting to prepare the food for dinner.  The hotel lets us use their kitchen and it is a good thing with the rain.  At least this way we stay dry.  It is quite well equipped - microwave, ovens, stoves and grill.  We make quite a mess, but clean up before we leave.


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We cook up steaks, chicken, veggie skewers, stir fried beans and a stir fried vegetables, along with baked potatoes.  For dessert we have apple crumble.  While we are cooking, the bar people have come up with a mean punch that they are liberally serving out - we get our share in the kitchen while cooking.  Jacqui came up with some dips and we served them with a few bags of Doritos that we picked up while shopping.


We serve dinner in the dining room - we line up all the tables to make one long dining table.  The steak is a bit tough (a little over cooked), but enjoy the meal.  Our first group dinner.  The party carries on quite late for some.


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